​#MEET4IMPACT, a non-profit organization, is a collective and collaborative project that has been designed with the vision of transforming the business events industry by generating a movement to create positive societal impact with its actors and their events.
Launched in 2019 by Geneviève Leclerc, who has more than 25 years of experience in the business events sector, and Jacques Blanchet, expert in sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, #MEET4IMPACT wishes to propel the actors it engages in the development of protocols to create all-round impacts.

#MEET4IMPACT trains professionals and supports organizations in defining, managing, measuring and communicating the societal impacts of their activities and events.
Although designed in response to the lack of knowledge and recognition of the non-economic impact of business events, #MEET4IMPACT now works with organizations in many sectors (tourism, municipal, institutional, private sector, etc.). Our customers and partners all share the desire to better understand and articulate how they can - beyond generating value for their stakeholders - contribute to solving a societal problem.
Our clients want to learn how to develop an intentional approach in order to maximize their positive impact on society.
#MEET4IMPACT has developed its own methodology and analytical framework in order to be able to measure, analyze and communicate the social impacts of the activities undertaken by organizations, be they events, campaigns, investments or others. Our approach also allows organizations working with us to do their part in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and thus contribute to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda aimed at transforming our world!
At #MEET4IMPACT we believe in human-centered values and strategies

because we understand that we need to draw on collective intelligence to create meaningful impact.

because we will report on our progress, share the true story of our journey and provide our clients and partners with a collaborative platform so they can share their own journey and story and learn from each other.

because we recognize that we will not have all the answers and that we understand this is a work in progress: we design with our clients, not for our clients.

because we are, individually and collectively, committed to act upon our values and uphold what we hold dear.

because we aim to empower our clients and partners with the right knowledge and tools to become actors of change themselves.